Singing Guide: Dave Brubeck
Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources
How to Learn to Sing Like Dave Brubeck
Dave Brubeck is one of the most complex jazz musicians and composers of all time, and his unique rhythms and melodies require some special attention. Here are some tips for learning how to sing like Brubeck:
- Analyze your Voice: If you want to sing like Brubeck, you need to understand your range and voice type. Our Vocal Range Test can help you analyze your voice and determine your range.
- Understand Jazz Singing: Jazz singing is unique, and Brubeck takes it to a whole new level. Read up on the differences between jazz and other vocal styles in our article on classical vs pop/jazz singing.
- Find your own authentic voice: Even if you want to sing like Brubeck, you should never try to copy him completely. Use his style as an inspiration to find your own unique voice. Our article on finding your own voice can help you achieve this.
- Understand Voice Registers: Brubeck often uses falsetto and head voice in his songs, and understanding these voice registers is crucial if you want to sing like him. Our article on voice registers and vocal break can help with this.
In addition to these tips for improving your overall vocal ability, Brubeck's unique style requires mastering some specific techniques:
- Mastering chest voice/speech singing: Chest voice/speech singing is when you sing in your natural speaking range, and Brubeck often uses this technique in his compositions. Our article on contemporary vocal techniques can help you master chest voice/speech singing.
- Growling: Brubeck uses growling to convey emotion in his songs, and our video on how to growl can instruct you on how to create this sound.
- Using Vocal Distortion: Distortion is the sound created when the vocal folds vibrate irregularly, and it is an important technique for creating emotion in jazz singing. Our article on vocal distortion can help you understand this technique.
It's also important to study some of Brubeck's specific performances and recordings:
- Blue Rondo a la Turk: This is one of Brubeck's most famous songs, and it is a great introduction to his unique rhythms and melodies.
- Strange Meadowlark: This song showcases Brubeck's use of voice registers and unique phrasing.